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Package org.openlcb.can

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CAN-specific OpenLCB functionality.

See: Description

Package org.openlcb.can Description

CAN-specific OpenLCB functionality.

This package does not provide a CAN implementation; that's to be done in a device-specific way elsewhere.

For testing purposes, that implementation is currently taken from the tools.cansim package in the test code tree.

Although Java guarantees that an int is 32 bits and a long is 64 bits, we want this code to be easy to translate to other languages (e.g. C) and smaller processors. We therefore use int for quantities that must be at least 16 bits, and long for quantities that must be at least 32 bits. Since Java does not have an "unsigned" modifier, we add that as a comment on appropriate declarations.

The OpenLcbCanFrame class centralizes the frame formatting and in most cases deformatting specific CAN frame contents to numbers and other values.

The connection between the org.openlcb message classes (e.g. VerifiedNodeIDNumberMessage et al) and CAN frames is through the MessageBuilder class.

The AliasMap class maintains mapping between NodeIDs and aliases by monitoring all frame-level traffic. (This is an absolute responsibility, and some day may require being able to send frames to handle ambiguities due to e.g. joining a segment late) It in turn is used to get the source full NodeID for received messages from the source alias.

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(Pointers to CAN info)
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